Location:Bremerton WA
Ebay ID:gti_vr6_2003

- I have been doing this hobby for over 24 years now. I got a late start and didn't have my first real RC until I was about 13. I bought a Tamiya Striker as my first real built RC. I now have one that bought, built and run for old time sake.

- At one point (about 2007) I had around 34 vintage cars and trucks. I sold most off, and bought a lot of Nitro cars and boats. I am now starting to get back into restoring the old ones, as I kick myself in the rear for selling them off.

- Some of my current projects are:

Monster Beetle



- I plan on increasing my Vintage Tamiya's back up once again. But my new love is Crawlers. Scale crawlers grab my attention the most. The more detail the nicer they are. I currently have a CR01 FJ, F30 High Lift (JunFac Conversions), and (2) Axial AX10's. One is just for a project chassis conversion. Living in the PacNorWest allows for thousands of places to use a crawler. I am in the NAVY and retire in 2011, but I will not leave the area as it is perfect for this hobby, if you like the mud.....;)

- Some of my other hobbies....when I am not working 60-80 hour weeks, or off punching holes in the ocean on the Submarine, is:

1961 VW Beetle

My German Shephard 'Blitzkrieg'

Playing World Of Warcraft (WOW)

But most important.....enjoying my family and life! Because it is too short!

- I hope you get time to look at my showroom and I also hope you enjoy it. I plan to some day orginize it so I have the cars I built and sold on it as well.
Thank you for taking time to look.