Now it is ready!!!! The car is almost HIGH-TECH! The gears in the gear case is from MIP and the diff are ball type. Chassis and the radio plate(??)/ chassis stiffer is also made by me. The front axel are of carbon. The wing(carbon) was made of me early -90s. The wheel adapter is from YOKOMO. The rear arms are made of MIP and I think they are from early -80s. Rear shock are KYOSHO option huose and the front shocks are from ASSOCIATED. Body came from SLEEPERCIVIC(RICKHARD) and it is the MRP SUPER CHAMP lexan body. The decals on the body set are original SUPER CHAMP decals no copy here! Wheels are standard YOKOMO, wheels are from CARSON. full ballrace ofcourse. the telescoping axels are made of firm I DON`T KNOW, the esc are standard ACOMS AT-6 and the motor is the best you can get for the gear case it is an RS-540 SPORT TUNED (18.300rpm cool) steering servo is an SANWA ERG-RR. After I have tested this MONSTER car I have to think if it needs an SLIPPER CLUTCH or not and then after lot of driving I`ll go for the TITANIUM/ ALUMINIUM screws and nuts. I planing to put the nylon fron arms but they are too soft!! My goal on this car was that can I do an perfect rc car from old TAMIYA parts and I think I have done very good, or what do you say? This project has not been so expencive that many of you can think of only lot of TIME(no beer here DARREN!!) If some of you have some ideas to made this car EVEN BETTER so mail me!