Mini T with 1/18 scale decals from netsmith
I wasn’t going to post pics of this until I was completely done, but I am just too excited to hold back LOL!!
I got this minit from my good friend Tamiyamandan, great little buggy and loads of fun, I plan to replace every possible part with an aluminum hop up!!
This body is the losi bug body; I trimmed it a little different and removed the ugly rear wing and awkward front end. Chris was kind enough to run me a set of 1/18 scale scorcher decals. Boy do they make this little body POP!!! THANKS CHRIS!!!!
This is not done yet i am going to trim the windows with black tape. I am going to build one in the box art as well. Really makes my mini T look great:):):)
Excellent! That is one cool little buggy!!!
Excellent - its hard enough trying to mask a 1/10th!
Forget stock art - do a blue and white one - you know you want to
Superb work yet again Matt!! I keep thinking about one of these litte'uns
What the!! all right first there was toykids Baja Bug body and now yours. Thats it I am picking one up ASAP
erik swe
So cool!! Can´t wait to see the boxart! Great job!
thanks for the comments fellas I have another shell on its way for the blue and white. I really like the small scale of this little buggy
Looks FANTASTIC Matt!!!!! Can't wait to see it all done!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Looking great mate, just paint the wheels white
Thanks Theo, I will be going with a set of aluminum wheels for it
Crash Cramer
I now have a better excuse to buy a mini T, other than the fact that Losi is making available some good hop up parts. I think the trouble with any 'new' scale in the past has been the lack of support for better parts. Losi has nipped that in the bud in the case of the mini T. I wonder if Chris would be willing to run some 1/18 Monster Beetle decals for me when I get mine.
Matt, Losi is going to come out with a Mini-T pro which will have a slipper clutch, Ball diff, full set of ball bearings and oil filled dampers. I thought about going nuts on mine with the hop ups but I think I am going to wait for Associated's 4WD mini
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