A rough start but coming along nicely........luvin it! Now SOLD
I got this my first SRB from another club member (L.U.K.E) and although it was in pretty reasonable nick - I wanted to go for the full restoration - and it is now well and truly underway!
Always wanted one as a kid, but never made it.......but good things come to those who wait as they say..............25 years later!!!!
New pics to be added soon........................
06-11-06 UPDATE - New pics added - things are coming along nicely but I cannot seem to get hold of the final few items to finish - any help with these would be most welcomed........radio tray lid, resistor, speed control, front tyres, roof section......probably me and another few thousand people after these also!! LOL. Nearly there though!..............UPDATES SOON!!! *** 12-11-06 *** Radio tray,resistor,front tyres and roof section sorted! Just need to paint the roof section and spot lights then decal the body and it's complete - a pretty fast restoration and a real pleasure to get completed!!! Roll on the Sand Scorcher project!!.......LOL.