Location:Los Angeles, CA, USA
Ebay ID:HighRevHobbiescom

I have been into R/C for a little over 10 years now, I first started with off-road buggies and monster trucks then moved into 1/8 on-road cars, followed by planes and helis and as of late Tamiya anythings! After having ingnored them for a long time, I was finally turned onto Tamiyas by my cousin who has a collection consisting of well over 30 Tamiyas... newly assembled, new in box and everything in between. I finally started my own collection of Tamiyas about one month ago and have since acquired (1) F201, (1) Tyrrell P34, (1) Ford F-150 Ranger XLT, (1) TLT-1, (1) NIB Blitzer Beetle, (1) MINT... Sand Scorcher .... and last but not least a Toyota Bruiser! I am now looking for a few other kits that I wish to own very soon.. Blazing Blazer, Mountaineer and a Hilux. Wish me luck!

My Tamiyaclub friends...